
When summer began I spent many hours walking to the narrative lyrics of Simon and Garfunkel, Peter Paul and Mary, and other favorites from my childhood. The songs served to transport me to another place and time. I belted out tunes to the frustrated motorists. I hummed in my head. I devoured the homey sounds, sending sparks of contentment up my spine.

Later on I discovered I could swim to music if I purchased a waterproof device. After a bit of frustration, I figured out how to put songs on the newfangled iPod. I enjoyed swimming to the beat, but I didn’t find it all that relaxing. Then one day I was listening to Yo Yo Ma station on Pandora to fall asleep. Instead, I woke up. I started to crave cello music.

Soon I was removing the oldies tunes from my swim playlist and replacing them with nothing but beautiful cello music. On the first swim, I practically melted into the water. The combination of the cool water and heavenly melodies just eased me into aquatic bliss. I am sharing that playlist here for you to enjoy while you read along.